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Linden Outdoor Power Equipment
531 N State St
Lindon, UT 84042
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Linden Outdoor Power Equipment
531 N State St
Lindon, UT 84042
801-810-4779 (call or text)

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Leaf Blowers

Posted by Linden Outdoor Power Equipment On 09:58

Come in today and check out our great selection of blowers.

Picture provided by H. Dodson

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Clean Up

Posted by Linden Outdoor Power Equipment On 18:26


With the change in the weather and the fall season here it's time to get your yard ready for winter. One of those projects will undoubtedly be cleaning up the leaves off the lawn and flower beds. 
But as you look at your window and see all the leaves spread out before you the task of raking them all up may seem overwhelming. But this year you can put your rake in the shed for good. Instead of raking leaves, debris, etc., you just blow and collect it.
We carry a wide selection of blowers that range in size from smaller handheld blowers to large backpack blowers and blower/vacuum models that suck up the leaves and mulches them. Click here for a description of the blowers we carry.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Linden Nursery

Posted by Linden Outdoor Power Equipment On 16:37

Have you been in to check out our full line up of Husqvarna equipment?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ethanol varnish

Posted by Linden Outdoor Power Equipment On 10:14
Here is what the ethanol is doing to today's small engines. The lawn mower this came out of was not even a year old. The owner purchased it last year. It wouldn't run for him this spring.

Varnished carburetor needle

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Equipment Spring Tune-ups

Posted by Linden Outdoor Power Equipment On 17:18
With spring just around the corner now is a great time to get your lawnmower and other yard equipment ready for spring.

Here are just a few things that should be done before you start your mower up, if you didn't do them at the end of last season.

  • Change the air filter
  • Replace the spark plug(s)
  • Change the oil
  • Sharpen & balance the blade(s)
  • Clean the underside of the deck
Some of these items are relatively easy to do, but if you feel they would be more than you are willing to tackle, Linden Outdoor Power Equipment can help you with these services.

We also recommend starting your lawnmower before you need it. The most common problem with a lawnmower after being stored for months is that it won't start. Most likely this is a carburetor issue which is very common with today's gasoline.

For more information about the effect today's gasoline has on small engines and for a chance to win free equipment follow this link.   http://ethanol.husqvarna.com/

Here is also an interesting video about the effects of ethanol in gasoline.

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